Help for T.I.M.E. Agents

How many Gold Seconds do I need to travel?

T.I.M.E. Agency offers you three different means of transport to move through History, depending if you have to tackle individual or group tasks.


  • Traveling in the Time Skates costs 5 gold seconds per person and you will have until next Thursday after the first break to perform the tasks.
  • Traveling in the Time Bike will cost you 10 Gold Seconds per person and you will have until next Friday after the first break to perform the tasks.
  • Traveling in the Time Motorbike will cost you 30 Gold Seconds per person and you will have seven days to perform the tasks.


  • Traveling in the Time Car costs 10 gold seconds per person and you will have seven days to perform the task.
  • Traveling in the Time Aeroplane will cost you 30 Gold Seconds per person and you will have until next week's Thursday after the first break to perform the tasks.
  • Traveling in the Time Rocket will cost you 60 Gold Seconds per person and you will have two weeks to perform the tasks.


  • Traveling in the Time Door it is free and you will have seven days or two weeks to perform the tasks. Depending if you get it for an Individual task or a Group task. You can get this mean of transport through the lucky cards.

How can I get Gold Seconds?

There are four different ways to get Gold Seconds.
  • By completing each of the missions.
  • With a luck card.
  • With a T.I.M. Award
    • Information about Special TIMs is given here.
  • Getting high marks on the individual tests. 

Which are the tasks?

There are eight tasks; each one of them is awarded with some gold points. Through the game, you will have to perform each one of the tasks. Some of them will be individual tasks and some will be group tasks.

These are the tasks you will have to perform:
  • (Group Task) Timeline. You will have to place important events in a timeline; you can get up to 440 Gold Seconds with it.
  • (Group Task) Stage or Library. You will have to investigate about music or literature; you can get up to 440 Gold Seconds with it.
  • (Group Task) Science and Inventions. You will have to investigate about the advancements in science, technology and inventions; you can get up to 480 Gold Seconds with it.
  • My Diary. You will have to write an entry of a kid's diary from the time you are studying; you can get up to 480 Gold Seconds.
  • Questionnaire. You will have to investigate and answer questions about history; you can get up to 440 Gold Seconds with it.
  • Reading: You will have to read a text about history and answer some questions about it; you can get up to 440 Gold Seconds with it.
  • Yesterday's news: You will have to write a piece of news about an important event; you can get up to 480 Gold Seconds with it.
  • Yesterday's pictures: You will have to investigate about an important piece of art; you can get up to 400 Gold Seconds with it.
All the detailed information about the rubrics and how to get the Gold Seconds can be found here

What happens if we do not hand in a task?

There are penalties for not handing in a task.
  • You can delay the delivery of a task one day paying 25 Gold Seconds per person, but you will have to tell your teacher in advance.
  • If you don't tell your teacher that you will be late, this will cost you 40 Gold Seconds per person and day.
  • If you don't hand in a task after 3 days, this will cost you 50 additional Gold Seconds per person.

What is a T.I.M.?

Time Impressive Medals are special awards that the Agency can give anytime for special team work.

How many times can I repeat the tasks?

None. Tasks will not be repeated except if the Spanish Inquisition finds it suitable. However, after the 5 missions are completed, each person will be able to choose to make up to two individual tasks that have not been made yet by that person yet. The result of the evaluation of those tasks will be added to the personal and the group rankings. The cost of repeating those tasks will be 40 Gold Seconds per task, per person.


The Spanish Inquisition can deliver sanctions if they are necessary.
The result of the group evaluations may result in the delivery of a red card. Two red cards will lead to the expulsion from the game.

Which is the ranking?

At the end of the game, you will get a T.I.M.E. rank according to the number of Gold Seconds you have. There will be two rankings, an individual and a group one.

 The Group ranking is:
  • More than 2500 Gold Seconds: Time Conquerors.
  • Between 2499 and 2000 Gold Seconds: Time Champions.
  • Between 1999 and 1500 Gold Seconds: Time Paladins.
  • Less than 1000 Gold Seconds: Time Victors.
The Individual ranking is:
  • More than 2500 Gold Seconds: Time Hero.
  • Between 2499 and 2000 Gold Seconds: Time Saviour.
  • Between 1999 and 1500 Gold Seconds: Time Healer.
  • Less than 1000 Gold Seconds: Time Scout.

The importance of individual work.

There will be three individual tests which will include questions about your instructions and your research. The best performing students in these tests, will receive special awards which will be transformed in Gold Seconds.
  • Those who get between a 10 and a 9 will be awarded with 30 Gold Seconds.
  • Those who get between a 8.99 and a 7.50 will be awarded with 15 Gold Seconds.
  • Those who get between a 7.49 and a 6 will be awarded with 5 Gold Seconds.
  • Those who get below 4.50 will get a penalty of 10 Gold Seconds.

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