
Final Evaluation Time Agency 2.0

Dear Agents,

There have been some major problems as rival organizations re disrupting our operations, the Spanish Inquisition suffered another attack and had to be sent to a secret location, however they were able to evaluate  the extra voluntary tasks.  After a long and tedious deliberation these are the results:

Some of you chose wisely, tackling those tasks that could give you the most points, some others chose tasks that gave very few points to start with.

Squad 1 decided to not make any more extra tasks.
Squad 2 has been awarded with 540 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has been awarded with 460 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has been awarded with 500 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has been awarded with 580 Gold Seconds.


Computer Systems hacked!!!

Attacks continue to pester our Agency, the latest attack meant a hacker crashed our systems, so the publishing of materials such as each of the tasks will be delayed, nonetheless the evaluation was carried on and we are into the final stages. We will shortly publish who chose to repeat which tasks.


Task Evaluation and Ranking Mission 5

Dear Agents,
There have been some major problems as rival organizations that want to profit from stealing from the past are disrupting our operations, the Spanish Inquisition suffered an attack and had to be confined in a medical ward, however they were able to keep on evaluating your Tasks upon fulfillment of Mission 5.  After a long and tedious deliberation these are the results:

Squad 1 has been awarded with 870 Gold Seconds.
Squad 2 has been awarded with 390 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has been awarded with 350 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has been awarded with 990 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has been awarded with 230 Gold Seconds.


Task Evaluation Mission 4 + Pre Mission 5 Briefing

Dear Agents,
There have been some major problems as rival organizations that want to profit from stealing from the past are disrupting our operations, however Spanish Inquisition has been evaluating your Tasks upon fulfillment of Mission 4.  After a long and tedious deliberation these are the results:

Squad 1 has been awarded with 440 Gold Seconds.
Squad 2 has been awarded with 470 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has been awarded with 1160 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has been awarded with 300 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has been awarded with 1420 Gold Seconds.