
Pre Mission 4 Ranking

This is the ranking right before Mission 4 and after the Squads have picked their means of transport and have drawn their luck cards:

Squad 1 has 2155 Gold Seconds.
Squad 2 has 2485 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has 2035 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has 1790 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has 1695 Gold Seconds.

Mission 4: Road to the Civil War

Pre Mission Briefing: Road to The Civil War


You started the mission as follows:
Squad 1 has 2155 Gold Seconds.
Squad 2 has 2645 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has 2070 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has 1880 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has 1865 Gold Seconds.


Task Evaluation Mission 3

Dear Agents,
The Spanish Inquisition has been evaluating your Tasks upon fulfilling of Mission 3.  After a long and tedious deliberation these are the results:

Squad 1 has been awarded with 475 Gold Seconds.
Squad 2 has been awarded with 1080 Gold Seconds.
Squad 3 has been awarded with 345 Gold Seconds.
Squad 4 has been awarded with 930 Gold Seconds.
Squad 5 has been awarded with 240 Gold Seconds.

Mission 3: Video Reports

Mission 3 has ended and all the Squads have returned to the Agency to deliver their reports.

End of the Emergency Period

We have reached the end of the Emergency period, all normal activities will be regained during the following week.

Agents have already been sent on Mission 4

Further information to follow shortly.