
Final Evaluation

The scoreboard after this adjustments is:

Candidate 2: 1050+280= 1330 Gold Seconds
Candidate 11: 942 Gold Seconds
Candidate 15: 335 Gold Seconds
Group 2: 1145+230= 1375 Gold Seconds
Group 3: 1675 Gold Seconds
Group 4: 1433 Gold Seconds
Group 5: 715+250+260= 1225 Gold Seconds

Evaluation of Repeated Tasks

Dear Spy Candidates,

We are very sorry to inform that a task was not handed.
The Spanish Inquisition is really angry about this.

These are the results of the evaluation.

Candidate 2 has earned 280 Gold Seconds.
Group 2 has earned 230 Gold Seconds.
Group 5 has earned 250 Gold Seconds and 260 Gold Seconds.

This will be reflected in the ranking soon. 


Last Special Delivery of Gold Seconds

Dear Spy Candidates,

As a result of the last individual test, some points will be delivered.

  • Candidates 7, 8, and 12 got a 9 or more in the test, so they will be given 20 Gold Seconds.
  • No Candidates got more than a 7.5 in the test, so nobody will be given 10 Gold Seconds. However Candidate 3 was on sick leave during the last special delivery, but he got more than a 7.5 in his test and will be given 10 Gold Seconds.
  • Candidates 4, 6, 13, 14, 16 and 17 got a 6 or more in the test, so they will be given 5 Gold Seconds.


Week 5: Video Reports

These are the last video reports, belonging to the last tasks set in the times of the Spanish Christian Kingdoms.


Weekly Report: Week 6 Repeating Tasks

Dear Spy Candidates,

The Spanish Inquisition has considered your aplications to repeat tasks and has granted all of them so:

Candidate 2 will repeat the Prehistory Timeline she did with Group 1, losing the 180 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. She has to pay 10 Gold Seconds for her right to repeat the task.

Candidate 11 will repeat no tasks.

Candidate 15 will repeat Al-Andalus' Yesterday's Photo, a task she didn't hand in time. She has to pay 10 Gold Seconds for her right to repeat the task.

Group 2 will repeat Pre Roman Hispania's Yesterday's News losing the 150 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. They have to pay 30 Gold Seconds for their right to repeat the task.

Group 3 will repeat no tasks.

Group 4 will repeat no tasks.

Group 5 will repeat Al-Andalus' Timeline (a task they didn't hand in time) and Roman Hispania's Reading losing the 160 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. With the luck cards the earned the right to repeat a task for free and another one at half price, so they have to pay 20 Gold Seconds for their right to repeat the tasks.


Week 4 video reports

Here are the video reports from week 4.

Updated Ranking

After the evaluation of the Christian Kingdom tasks:
Candidate 2 has 1240 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 11 has 942 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 15 has 345 Gold Seconds.
Group 2 has 1325 Gold Seconds.
Group 3 has 1675 Gold Seconds.
Group 4 has 1433 Gold Seconds.
Group 5 has 895 Gold Seconds.

Evaluation of Tasks: Week 5

Dear Spy Candidates,

We are very sorry to inform that two tasks were not handed.
The Spanish Inquisition is really angry about this.

These are the results of the evaluation.

Candidate 2 has earned 320 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 11 has won 260 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 15 has lost 110 Gold Seconds.
Group 2 has earned 220 Gold Seconds.
Group 3 has earned 350 Gold Seconds plus a TIM of 10 Gold Seconds.
Group 4 has earned 260 Gold Seconds plus a TIM of 10 Gold Seconds.
Group 5 has earned 210 Gold Seconds.

This will be reflected in the ranking soon.


Repeating Tasks

Dear Agent Candidates:

As you know, now is the time for you to decide whether you want to repeat any of the tasks assigned to you during the last 5 weeks or not.

Remember that you have to follow certain rules

  • You can only repeat up to 2 tasks. You may choose to repeat just 1 or none at all.
  • You will loose the points you got on the task you are repeating. These points will be substracted from your current amount of points. But you are supposed to earn more.
  • You will have to pay with Gold Seconds for your extra week, the fee will be 10 Gold Seconds per team member.
  • There cannot be any late deliveries. If you are late you will get no points.
  • You will have to deliver your tasks on Tuesday 15th March.

You can stary considering which tasks are you going to choose to repeat, but wait until Tuesday the 8th to decide, because on the evening of Monday 7th we will post the evaluation of the final task.

Al Andalus: Yesterday's Photo Agent 2

Al-Andalus: Reading

Al-Andalus: Yesterday's News

We recommend you to click and read this outstanding piece of work.

Al-Andalus: Questionnaire


Second Special Delivery of Gold Seconds

Dear Spy Candidates,

As a result of the last individual test, some points will be delivered.

  • Candidates 8, 12 and 13 got a 9 or more in the test, so they will be given 20 Gold Seconds.
  • Candidates 6, 7, 9,11 and 17 got more than a 7.5 in the test, so they will be given 10 Gold Seconds.
  • Candidates 2, 4 and 5 got more than a 6 in the test, so they will be given 5 Gold Seconds.


Updated ranking

This is the updated ranking up to today (2nd of March) considering the evaluation of the Al-Andalus activities and the travel to Christian Kingdoms.

Candidate 2 has 925 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 11 has 672 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 15 has 455 Gold Seconds.
Group 2 has 1080 Gold Seconds.
Group 3 has 1295 Gold Seconds.
Group 4 has 1123 Gold Seconds.
Group 5 has 660 Gold Seconds.


Evaluation of tasks, week 4

Dear Spy Candidates,

We are very sorry to inform that two tasks were not handed. The Spanish Inquisition is really angry about this.

These are the results of the evaluation.

Candidate 2 has earned 220 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 11 has won 170 Gold Seconds.
Candidate 15 has lost 110 Gold Seconds.
Group 2 has earned 280 Gold Seconds.
Group 3 has earned 310 Gold Seconds plus a TIM of 10 Gold Seconds.
Group 4 has earned 300 Gold Seconds.
Group 5 has lost 110 Gold Seconds.

This will be reflected in the ranking soon.