
Weekly Report: Week 6 Repeating Tasks

Dear Spy Candidates,

The Spanish Inquisition has considered your aplications to repeat tasks and has granted all of them so:

Candidate 2 will repeat the Prehistory Timeline she did with Group 1, losing the 180 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. She has to pay 10 Gold Seconds for her right to repeat the task.

Candidate 11 will repeat no tasks.

Candidate 15 will repeat Al-Andalus' Yesterday's Photo, a task she didn't hand in time. She has to pay 10 Gold Seconds for her right to repeat the task.

Group 2 will repeat Pre Roman Hispania's Yesterday's News losing the 150 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. They have to pay 30 Gold Seconds for their right to repeat the task.

Group 3 will repeat no tasks.

Group 4 will repeat no tasks.

Group 5 will repeat Al-Andalus' Timeline (a task they didn't hand in time) and Roman Hispania's Reading losing the 160 Gold Seconds they earned with the task. With the luck cards the earned the right to repeat a task for free and another one at half price, so they have to pay 20 Gold Seconds for their right to repeat the tasks.

The scoreboard after this adjustments is:

Candidate 2: 1240-180-10= 1050 Gold Seconds
Candidate 11: 942 Gold Seconds
Candidate 15: 345-10 = 335 Gold Seconds
Group 2: 1325-150-30= 1145 Gold Seconds
Group 3: 1675 Gold Seconds
Group 4: 1433 Gold Seconds
Group 5: 895-160-20= 715 Gold Seconds

The ranking after the third week is as follows:

Group 3
Group 4
Group 2
Candidate 2
Candidate 11
Group 5
Candidate 15

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